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Useful sites
HTML, CSS, Internet

Random Password Generator

You can generate random passwords using the random password generator.

The generator will help you to make your own secure, random passwords highly secured using the combination of lower case letters and upper case letters, numbers and symbols.

Numbers  Letters(Lowercase letters)  Letters(Uppercase letters)  Symbols  
CSS RGB Web Color Chart
HTML Color Charts/HTML Colors Sheet
Color Picker Type Search
Beautiful CSS Table Templates
Beautiful CSS Table Examples for web-desingers.
Unicode Converter
Unicode Online Converter
You can change All Kind of characters to (UTF-8 code)'Unicode'.
Unicode Table
List of Unicode characters
'UTF-8 encoding table' and 'Unicode characters'
Character code table for ASCII, Unicode and HTML
ASCII ART/AA Collection
ASCII Art Collection - Grouped by category
ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable characters defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963 and ASCII compliant character sets with proprietary extended characters.
Emoji, Emoticon dictionary
Unicode Emoji/Eemoticon dictionary. Just copy and paste the Emoji/Eemoticon you want to use into your blog, homepage and SNS such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on.
URL Encoder/Decoder
You can decode URL encoded strings looks like '%E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD' using URL Decoder
You can encode readable strings to URL endcoded strings using URL Encoder.
Base64 Encoder/Decoder
You can decode base64 encoded strings looks like 'SGVsbG8h' using Base64 Decoder
You can encode readable strings to base64 endcoded strings using Base64 Encoder.
Random Password Generator
You can generate random passwords using the random password generator.
The generator will help you to make your own secure, random passwords highly secured using the combination of lower case letters and upper case letters, numbers and symbols.
Binary/Octal/Decimal/Hexadecimal Converter
You can convert numbers (Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal) using the Number Converter.
QR Code Generator
You can make your own QR Codes using the QR Code Generator.
'QR Code' means 'Quick Response Code'
A QR code is a two dimensional barcode that stores information in black and white dots.
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Random Password